Monday, June 10, 2013

Let Her and Falsehood Grapple

As an avid user of the internet, I have been considering starting my own blog for a while. After numerous minutes of research and a healthy bout of procrastination, I have finally decided to take my place atop a digital soapbox. My main motivation for joining thousands of other online citizens who feel that their voices should be heard is a drive to exercise my freedom of speech. As a member of a democracy, I feel that it is my responsibility, as well as every other American's, to actively participate in the discussion of all things public and relevant. Such a belief is what inspired the title of my blog, which comes from a particularly brilliant line from John Milton's Areopagitica. The line, "let her and falsehood grapple", is the cardinal thesis of Mr. Milton's argument for an absolutely free press. The late poet believed that the only way for truth to come forth in the public sphere is for all opinions, belief, and idea to be present in the popular dialogue. It is in this spirit that I wish to add my voice to the already abounding digital forum. I hope that the posts to come will generate discussion in any form. Enjoy!

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